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TWA Uniform Expectations

Trousers: Unisex

Black - Slim/Straight Fit

Business material, typically the same fabric as the Blazer

  • No Elasticated/Stretchy material
  • No Leggings/Jeggings/Jeans/brushed cotton/Sports wear/Combat trousers
No Cropped trousers

Formal, Plain white

Worn tucked into trousers
  • Plain black Vneck 
  • Knitted
  • Sports branding is not permitted
  • Half zip/Hoodies are not permitted


TWA striped tie

  • Worn at full length to cover all shirt buttons
  • Your first tie will be provided by TWA

Shoes / Trainers

Plain black shoes: Flat heeled

Plain black trainers: Black sole, Black laces NO Coloured logos/No Coloured stitching

Boots of any length are not permitted 

Please Note:

Protective shoe covering will be offered if footwear is considered a risk in the DT classrooms.


Black or White ankle socks

  • Knee high or thigh high sock are not permitted
  • Ribbons/Bows are not permitted
  • Lace inserts are not permitted
  • Embellishments on sock are not permitted


Small stud earrings (one stud in each ear)

One ring

One watch

Bracelets or Necklaces are not permitted

Facial Piercings:

One small discrete nose stud

No hoops, studs, bars, chains, cuffs to be worn in the nose, septum, lip, cheek, eyebrows

Make Up

Must be discrete and natural

No strip lashes


Natural nail colour/neutral tones are acceptable

Neon colours/Gemstones/Brightly coloured/significant nail art is not permitted

Nails of significant length 

Are a risk to safety and worn at your own risk.

If damage is caused by a person wearing false nails, they will be expected to have the nails removed. 

Participation in PE is mandatory. If the length of the nails prevents participation, you will be expected to have them removed.

Engagement in practical subjects, Art, DT, Food Technology is mandatory. If the length of the nails prevents participation/engagement, they will be expected to have them removed. 

Hair Style

Hair styles must be suitable for a business environment.

Students must always look presentable and tidy.

Elaborate patterns shaved into the hair, or excessive use of gel/spray to maintain an elaborate style will not be accepted.

Hair Colour

Hair colour should be suitable for a business environment. 

Hair that is dyed a colour that could not be grown naturally, will not be permitted. Hair will be expected to be returned to a suitable colour with urgency.

PE Kit

Plain Black Shorts

Plain White PE style top