Students Excel in Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge

Almost 200 high achievers from Year 9, 10, and 11 at Thomas Clarkson Academy recently achieved remarkable success in the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge. This international competition tests problem-solving skills and computational thinking abilities through a series of engaging and challenging tasks. Our students approached these tasks with great enthusiasm and determination, demonstrating their ability to think critically and solve complex problems.
Special commendations go to Kristaps G, Mylo R, River A, Michael K, and Gabija R in Year 9, who earned Gold certificates in the Inters Category, placing them in the top 10% nationally. Their outstanding performance is a testament to their hard work and dedication. Additionally, a special mention goes to Emily F in Year 10, who earned the Best in School Award in the Seniors Category (Year 10 & 11). Her exceptional achievement reflects her talent and commitment to excellence.
Our competitors did us proud, with around half of all participants achieving Merit or Distinction awards. This success highlights the strong emphasis our school places on developing students' computational thinking skills through our curriculum and extracurricular activities.
Their achievements in the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge have not only brought recognition to our school but also inspired other students to explore the exciting world of computational thinking. We congratulate all the participants for their fantastic efforts and look forward to seeing them continue to excel in their studies and future endeavours.