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Our Sixth Form is ready and waiting

The summer holiday is nearly over, and we can't wait to welcome our new Sixth Form members back to our academy.

Whatever our Year 11 students have decided to do next, we wish them all the very best for their futures. Take a look at our GCSE results day gallery here

Students Anastasia and Kristina will both be joining our Sixth Form and will study the same subjects.

They are embarking on maths, business and psychology after achieving the GCSE results that secured their places with us.

Kristina is looking to attend university to read a business-based subject while Anastasia said she was ‘shocked’ by her results and was still working on a future career path.

As if GCSEs aren’t hard enough, one of our students decided to teach herself French to achieve a fantastic Grade 8.

Lia Thomas is also staying at our academy to study A levels in maths, biology and psychology and said she achieved all the grades she wanted in her GCSEs.

“I am working to go to university and wanted to learn French, so I did it myself and I’m really pleased with the result,” she said.

Another of our students staying with us is Ethan Cox who will be working on A levels in drama, history and philosophy and ethics.

With ambitions of becoming a scenes of crime officer working with the police, Ethan said the career idea was sparked by TV and film where the role was featured.

Liliana Lata will also be a member of our Sixth Form where she will study maths, further maths and business.

Nathaniel Binkowski is looking forward to starting his A level studies in psychology, history and English after celebrating his GCSE results.

With a Grade 9 in Polish and an 8 in English among his haul of grades, Nathaniel said he would like to go to university in the future.