World Poetry Day competitions

You still have time to take part in a competition to mark this year's World Poetry Day.
Librarian Miss Robinson is organising the event, and students can submit a poem they have written in any style. Entries need to be in by 2pm on Thursday, April 17.
There is also a competition being held by the Foyle Young Poet of the Year Competition, which is aimed at students aged from 11 to 17 around the world.
Entries for this one need to be in by midnight on July 31, and it is free to enter. There is no limit to the number of pieces that can be submitted and for more information click here
World Poetry Day is held today (March 21) every year and is a chance to celebrate a treasured form of expression.
And don't forget that we have poetry books of all types in the academy library, and you can arrange to borrow a copy over the coming holiday.