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Read all about our great academy library

Our wonderful academy library is open to every student and has a tremendous range of books in all genres and topics.

It can be used daily in break, lunch or before tutor time and sixth formers can use it for studying when they don’t have a timetabled lesson. 

Students can borrow two books at a time and they must be scanned by a staff member both before they are taken out, and when they come back.

Key Stage 3 students should have a reading book with them every day, and they have timetabled literacy lessons either in the library or a classroom. One of the borrowed books for this group should be an Accelerated Reader; those with quizzes have blue, red or yellow circles on the spine. 

“I’m looking forward to seeing you in the library - we have a wide variety of books to choose from. Keep your eyes on the academy website for news from lots of departments, including the library. There are also competitions, reading resources and links to free digital resources,” said our librarian Miss Robinson.

Please remember to look after our books - don’t fold the pages down, use a bookmark and try to keep them away from pets.

You can also use one of the PCs in the library during lunch or break for schoolwork or homework and you can also use the printer if needed. 

And please speak to Miss Robinson about suggestions for new books to join our library or contact her via Teams or email.

Free resources from Cambridgeshire Libraries can be found here: