LATEST: Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates
January 5th - letter to parents/carers
Click here to view a letter to parents/carers regarding school closures.
December 11th - Contact tracing letter
Click here to view a contact tracing letter to parents/carers
December 7th 2020 - Positive COVID-19 case (Year 12)
We have been notified of a positive COVID-19 test result for a student in Year 12 and we have followed all of the guidance and advice from Cambridgeshire Public Health.
In line with the advice given, we have identified close contacts of the students and asked 10 other Year 12 students to self-isolate for 14 days from when the student was last in school.
The student who tested positive was last in school on Thursday 3rd December which means that the identified close contacts need to isolate up to and including 16th December. We have already been in contact with all of the parents of the students identified as close contacts and the students are now at home. If we have not spoken to you, you child is not affected and should continue to come to school.
December 3rd 2020 - Positive COVID-19 case (Year 9)
We have been notified of a positive COVID-19 test result for a student in Year 9 and we have followed all of the guidance and advice from Cambridgeshire Public Health.
In line with the advice given, we have asked the students in the classroom bubble and some other identified close contacts, to self-isolate for a period of 14 days from when the student was last in school.
The student who tested positive was last in school on Monday 30th November which means that the identified close contacts need to isolate up to and including 14th December. We have already been in contact with the parents of all of the students identified as close contacts so if we have not spoken to you, you child is not affected and should continue to come to school.
October 18th - Letter to parents
Click here to read a letter to parents regarding two members of staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 over the weekend.
October 16th - Symptoms of COVID-19 and other illnesses/sending your child to school
Click here to view an information poster containing guidance on what to do if your child is unwell.
October 13th update - one COVID-19 case confirmed
Please see letters below which were sent home to parents following the confirmation of a COVID-19 case in school:
Close contacts letter - this letter was sent only to the parents/carers of students who need to self-isolate. In addition, each of the students who were told to self-isolate were spoken to personally, along with their parents/carers.
Whole school letter - this letter was sent to all parents/carers of TCA students to inform them of the situation.
COVID-19 related absence from school
Click here to view a quick guide for parents regarding COVID-19 related absence from school.
COVID-19 Behaviour Policy Addendum
Click here to view the COVID-19 Behaviour Policy Addendum - September 2020.
Videos: A message from the Principal and safety measures at TCA - September 4th
A message from Principal Mr Scott:
A summary of the safety measures we have put in place to keep our school community safe:
Cambridgeshire County Council parent handbook - September 2nd 2020
Updated parent handbook - September 1st 2020
As new guidance is received around schools re-opening, our parent handbook has been reviewed and updated. Please read the most recent version here - updates to previous information can be found underlined in purple on pages 5, 10, 12 and 13.
Letter to parents (August 11th): September full re-opening
Face coverings in school - August 27th 2020
Click here to read the latest information.
Risk assessment for re-opening - August 14th update
Result of the COVID-19 risk assessment for the full reopening of Thomas Clarkson Academy from autumn term 2020.
Following the Government’s announcement that schools are to reopen to all students at the start of the autumn term 2020, we have been preparing our school to safely welcome back students and staff. This has involved a comprehensive risk assessment process to ensure risks continue to be effectively managed. Consideration has been given to balancing the minimisation of risks from Coronavirus (COVID-19) with providing a full educational experience for children and young people, in line with Government guidance.
Government guidance for the reopening of schools, including that for parents and carers, can be accessed here.
Thomas Clarkson Academy and The Brooke Weston Trust will continue to monitor guidance and will adopt a dynamic risk management approach to ensure the operation of the school remains as safe as possible.
The results of our risk assessment are published here. We have also produced an information booklet (link below) which is intended to give you an outline of what our new school environment will look and feel like and reassure you that we will do everything we can to make school as safe as it can be for students and staff.
Letters to parents - July 21st 2020
End of term letter to parents/carers
A level results day information
Letter to parents - July 10th 2020
Letter to parents: September re-opening
BWT CEO parent update
Letter to parents from BWT's CEO - June 26th 2020
School re-opening information (June 10th update)
The following documents have been sent to Year 10 and Year 12 families, ahead of school re-opening for these year groups from Monday 15th June 2020. For other year groups, these documents are for information only.
Principal's letter
Guide to re-opening: Year 10
Guide to re-opening: Year 12
Attendance and meals booking form
Behaviour Policy addendum
Home School Agreement
Letter to parents (May 22nd)
Click here to read a letter to parents/carers regarding TCA's proposals for the summer term.
Update to parents from BWT CEO - May 13th
Click here to read a letter to parents from BWT CEO Andrew Campbell.
Important update for Year 13s - Thursday 7th May
More details: Government support package for universities and students
Covid-19 Ofqual GCSE and A Level Guidance
Ofqual have today (03/04/20) set out details on how GCSE and A level grades will be awarded in the summer. Please see below Ofqual GCSE and A level guidance documents for your information. Please bear with us whilst we digest the contents. We will update you further in the coming weeks as more details emerge.
Letter to students from Ofqual
This page contains all the latest information for parents/carers regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).
Click here: TCA SEND information report update COVID-19 - April
Please note: This report must be read in conjunction with Thomas Clarkson Academy’s SEND Information Report.
COVID-19 - Free School Meals Update - Tuesday 1st April
Free School Meal arrangements from Monday 6th April 2020
Please visit for further information.
School closure update – Sunday 22nd March
For those students who will be attending school tomorrow (children who are vulnerable and children whose parents are critical to the COVID-19 response and cannot be safely cared for at home), the normal school times apply – 8.30am to 2.55pm. Students are permitted to arrive from 8.20am onwards. On arrival, students should use the community entrance.
If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. Many parents working in the sectors critical to the COVID-19 response may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. And every child who can be safely cared for at home should be.
For Key Stage 3 students who were absent last week and did not receive their resource packs, the packs will be available from reception from Monday 23rd March. There are also copies of the resources on our website (, where students can also access online learning and communicate with teachers.
People can get in touch with the school via the normal routes and should check the website for information.
School closure letter to parents/carers - March 20th
Please click this link to access Key Stage 3 resource booklets for students
To log in, use the 'Quick Links' menu (top right) and select RM Unify.
Alternatively, click on the orange 'Remote Learning' bar on the TCA website homepage.
You should only send your child to school on Monday if you have to, because your work is critical to our COVID-19 response. If you are able to keep your child at home, you should. #StayHomeSaveLives
Coronavirus Covid-19 update - School Closure Information (20 March)
Please visit for further information about school closures for Brooke Weston Trust schools.
Coronavirus Covid-19 BWT Statement Regarding School Closure Announcement - 18 March
Following the government’s latest announcement, the situation regarding the opening of schools has changed. Please visit for full details.
Letter from the Brooke Weston Trust CEO for parents and carers - 18 March
Click here to view CEO letter for parents and carers.
To access all previous communications relating to the Coronavirus and for further links and information please click here.
Covid-19 Update - 17 March
Dear Parents and Carers
Yesterday (March 16th 2020) the government reviewed its response to the Covid-19 virus and introduced a series of significant measures to achieve greater social distancing, reduce all but essential travel and protect the most vulnerable groups in society.
While they confirmed new measures have now been put in place, the government once again stated that:
- UK schools should remain open and continue to operate as normally as possible at this time
Our Brooke Weston Trust schools will continue to follow the government’s advice and will remain open until we are advised otherwise.
At present there are no confirmed cases of Covid-19 at any of our Brooke Weston Trust schools.
Please ensure you keep familiar with the detail of the most up to date Public Health England advice which can be found here:
We will continue to update you on the situation as new announcements are made by the government and want to reassure you that each school’s leadership team and the Brooke Weston Trust are preparing for all possible scenarios as best we can.
Home learning
We have various online platforms, non-digital resources and guidance to support learning that can be used to provide work to children at home. As you would expect, we are drawing up plans should home learning become necessary. We will explain what is on offer and how to access it at that time.
Domestic trips, school events and sports fixtures
School events are being assessed on a case-by-case basis. You will be kept informed of any changes to published events in the school calendar with as much notice as is possible. Please note that all sports fixtures have now been cancelled.
Advice for all visitors to our school
We have reinforced some basic hygiene principles and introduced additional measures, so please do not take offence if you are asked to wash your hands or use hand sanitizing gel on visiting us. We would also remind visitors of the hygiene message, “catch it, bin it, kill it” in the event of coughing and sneezing. These restrictions are in place to protect our school community.
We are aware parents are having to make difficult decisions regarding isolating their children and all siblings. Please be assured we will authorise all such absences.
To read our previously published information regarding Covid-19 please click here.
This is an extraordinary period of time for everyone, including schools. We will inevitably experience significant disruption to our normal routines, but we are doing everything we can to continue. I want to thank you again for your patience and understanding in helping to keep our school communities as safe as possible.
Dr Andrew Campbell
Brooke Weston Trust
Useful Links and Information
As a Trust, we know parents are having to make difficult decisions regarding isolating children and families as a result of Covid-19. Please be assured we will authorise all such absences. Unfortunately Trust colleagues are unable to provide advice on on whether to isolate your child from school and it can only be a decision that parents can make for their own family. To assist parents, please see below links for further guidance:
Public Health England (PHE)-
PHE Guidance on Social Distancing -
NHS Guidance for Coronavirus -
Department for Education -
The Department for Education has also launched a helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and students can contact the helpline as follows:
If you have concerns about any symptoms your child may be experiencing, please direct your enquiries to NHS 111 online.
Please ensure the emergency contact details we hold for you are up to date.
We would like to assure parents/carers that contingency planning is going on at TCA should the situation regarding Covid-19 change.
Covid 19 - Department for Education guidance for education settings